N-Sync Launches New Website for Attorney Stephen R. Koons

N-Sync Computer Services is pleased to announce the release of a new website for Attorney Stephen R. Koons.
Mr. Koons, is a former Elected County Judge, and full time Chief Judge Appointed Circuit Judge, for the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit. He retired from the bench in 2019. He now, remains active as a Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Civil Mediator, and Attorney of Counsel to GED Lawyers LLP, a Statewide Litigation Law firm.
Mr. Koons is also a published author. He enjoys writing crime novels. His current work is “Judgment at Twenty Mile Bend” and can be found on Amazon. His next effort is due for publication mid 2019.
The new website can be found at stephenrkoons.com.
If you need a new website, updates to your current site or even web hosting, give N-Sync a call today!
(321) 784-8488.
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